September 15 – November 4, 2023: Garry Noland – Picture in Picture

Official NASA Photograph, 2022
décollage on National Geographic page
6″ x 8″
image courtesy EG Schempf

We hope you’ll join us on 3rd Friday, September 15, as Kiosk Gallery presents Picture in Picture, a solo exhibition of collages by Garry Noland. These works evoke nostalgic references to mass media from times past, while playfully and critically subverting the messages of their original intent.

Artist Statement

Called “Altered Photographs,” as a whole, this series incorporates printed images mostly from mid-century National Geographic and flea market finds.

The works are several things. They are critiques of nostalgia. These illustrations from the 1940s -1970s depict our nation’s (and the industrialized west’s) view of themselves as being on the top of the heap. I want to step into these mid-century mass media illustrations, alter the way we’re seeing them and take a stab at changing the meaning of them.

They are formal/technical exercises in how to make a successful work of art. How can I make something and get people to stop and ask themselves, “How did they make that?” for the form of the piece? How can I get them to stop and ask themselves, “What is the narrative here?” for the content of the piece? When that exchange happens, viewers assume the key role in completing a work of art.

They are made using traditional analog collage techniques. Some of the newer pieces use décollage (the removal of paper or ink) and/or decalcomania (transfer printing). Occasionally multiple, identical collage elements are used in the images to question ideas about originality and reproduction.


Garry Noland began his studio practice after earning a BA in History of Art from UMKC in 1978. In addition to being an artist, Noland also operates Holsum Gallery, an artist-run space in the West Bottoms.

Artist’s Reception
Friday, September 15, 2023
6-9 pm

Open Hours  
Saturdays 12-4 pm, and by appointment
Show runs through November 4, 2023